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Add Industry-Specific Words to LanguageTool’s Team Dictionary

powered by LanguageTool

LanguageTool’s Team Dictionary feature lets you add industry-specific words so that your team can avoid costly mistakes and remain consistent.

Try LanguageTool's Team Dictionary feature.
Make sure your team avoids embarrassing errors and remains consistent—regardless of how big your business grows.

Why the Team Dictionary Feature Can Be Beneficial to Your Business

LanguageTool’s team account offers remarkable capabilities. You can check different types of texts, expect suggestions on improving style and tone, and download add-ins and add-ons for many programs. The Team Dictionary can also:

  • Help you and your team avoid costly and unprofessional spelling mistakes.
  • Ensure that your team remains consistent across all writing channels.
  • Add confidence to your team’s writing, as uncommon names and terms are no longer marked as errors.
Define roles so that certain team members can add to the Team Dictionary.
Customizing your Team Dictionary is easy. 
Adding words to the Team Dictionary means they'll no longer be marked as incorrect.
After inputting a custom word into the Team Dictionary, LanguageTool will no longer consider it incorrect.

Many of us can agree that it is irritating when a text editor insists that you spelled a word incorrectly, but you know it’s right. Comparably, it can also look unprofessional if you (or a team member) misspell a common industry-specific word. LanguageTool’s Team Dictionary can help with all these dilemmas and more. Read on to learn how to use this feature.

How To Sign Up for a LanguageTool Team Account

The team account supports user management, meaning managers can invite up to 20 users to the team via email. LanguageTool’s team accounts support all different types of dynamics. There are different roles to be defined: Some users can edit the dictionary, whereas others only use it. If you’ll need more than 20 members, please contact our customer support directly: [email protected].

Adding a shared dictionary for your team to use is easy.

1) Subscribe to a team account.

Team accounts help bring consistency across all writing platforms.
There are many benefits to having a team account.

How To Access the LanguageTool Editor

2) Access the app settings via the editor. You can either use the online editor, or download the app for Mac or Windows. After signing in, click on “Settings” on the left-hand side, and then “Team Dictionary” on the lower left-hand side.

Adding custom words and phrases to the Team Dictionary is easy.
Both editors have the settings and team dictionary in the same location.

How To Add Industry-Specific Words or Phrases to the Team Dictionary

3) After accessing the Team Dictionary settings, you can begin customizing the shared dictionary. There are two ways to do this.

The first is to individually add industry or company-specific vocabulary by clicking the “Add new phrase” button on the top right-hand side. Then add as many words and short phrases (up to three words) as you please.

Managers can define different roles for various users.
You can add words or phrases (up to three words) to the Team Dictionary.

Another way to add to your Team Dictionary is by clicking “Import dictionary” and uploading a CSV file. This might be more convenient if you have numerous words and phrases to add.

LanguageTool's Team Dictionary feature allows you to upload CSV files, too.
Uploading a CSV file is more convenient if you have multiple words and phrases to upload.
Keep in Mind

Uploading a CSV file means overriding your Team Dictionary. Be sure to download your existing Team Dictionary first, and then add your new phrases to the file before uploading it again.

Find more information regarding CSV import in this article of our Helpdesk.

Deleting words and phrases is just as easy as adding them. All you have to do is get back to the Team Dictionary settings and click on the “X” next to the word(s) you want to remove.

The Team Dictionary adds convenience and consistency to your team's writing.
Deleting words and phrases from the Team Dictionary is easy. 

LanguageTool is an invaluable writing assistant. A team account can help your business grow by ensuring that all members of your team use proper spelling, whether they’re writing an uncommon name or an industry-specific word that’s not in the standard dictionary. With LanguageTool’s Team Dictionary (and Style Guide), you can breathe easy knowing your team’s communication is correct and consistent, no matter how big your business may grow in the future.

Last Tip

If you are already using your personal dictionary at LanguageTool, this is no reason to worry. The entries in the team dictionary remain unaffected by the management of your individual word collection—regardless of what role you have in the team.

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