Instantly enhance your writing in real-time while you type.
With LanguageTool

Correct English Here and Overleaf

powered by LanguageTool

The free and practical writing assistant LanguageTool can be integrated into the Overleaf editor. Find out about installing and using both tools.

LanguageTool for Overleaf
Combining the editor Overleaf and the writing assistant LanguageTool.
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What Is Overleaf?

If you typically write academic texts on scientific topics, you might know about the editor Overleaf. It is a text editor from the UK which was launched in 2014. Since it relies on an online cloud system, users are able to work independently and simultaneously on the same text document.

The company claims:

Overleaf displays a history of all your changes, so you can directly see who changed what and when. This makes it very easy to stay up to date with the progress of your employees and allows you to review the latest changes.”

The system is based on LaTeX. The editor tends to find use specially in technical and academic contexts. It further provides different samples and templates (e.g., CVs, theses, journals, letters). Please find more information on their website.

Unfortunately, there is no integrated spelling and grammar checker of any kind. In order to write flawless and appropriate texts, it’s possible to use LanguageTool.

How Do I Install LanguageTool for Overleaf?

Click on the LanguageTool homepage in order to find the plug-in for Overleaf.

How to download the plug-in for Overleaf.
Click the “Add to” button to start installing the plug-in.

You're forwarded to the correct download page for your browser to get this specific add-on. After the installation is completed, you get to enjoy all the assets of LanguageTool’s browser add-on.

Next, open Overleaf and log in. Or, if you don’t have an account already, register there. Don’t worry, the basic plan is free.

This is the dashboard in Overleaf.
After a successful log-in, you’ll see your personal dashboard with all your projects.

How Do I Use LanguageTool for Overleaf?

If you know how to use LanguageTool, you’ll see that its usage is almost the same as with other plug-ins. The color scheme is identical, and you can also enable dark mode or picky mode.

This is the color scheme LanguageTool correct with.
Spelling errors in red, grammar mistakes in yellow, and style suggestions in blue

The only difference is the summary of all corrections, which usually appears next to the small, circled, red number.

On the right-hand side, you can see all possible corrections.
The overview card on Overleaf just shows the count of possible suggestions.

If you want to correct the mistakes, you can simply scroll through the text, read the explanations, and accept the replacements.

Find an overview in the LT editor.
The overview card in the editor shows all suggestions.
As usual, error cards will suggest corrections.
The correction cards within the text field are identical to other plug-ins.

Now you know how to write perfect and convincing texts not only on your front page, but also on Overleaf. Regardless of whether you prefer writing with another editor—LanguageTool will assist you reliably with one of its plug-ins or with its app for Windows and macOS.

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Unleash the Professional Writer in You With LanguageTool

Go well beyond grammar and spell checking. Impress with clear, precise, and stylistically flawless writing instead.

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